Sunday, 17 November 2013

Beat The Bog 2013, Preston, Canterbury

Excellent event, very well organised, lots of mud, misery and water. Unfortunately the light was absolutely abysmal. Struggled to get any kind of reasonable shots. Auto focus constantly had issues nailing anything. Also was restricted to one small area of the course. Good knowledge of the area would have helped, as would a quad ;)

Still, the lunatics...erm...competitors seemed to enjoy themselves, as did the spectators. Decent turnout for a first event. Pretty sure there will be lots more to come from the people behind BTB 2013.

Beat The Bog 2013 (241 pics)

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Kent Fitness League 2012/13: Nurstead Court relay

Grim old day.  Cold, wet, windy and muddy.  But the runners soldiered on in the face of the elements, as ever, as the Nurstead Court relays brought down the curtain on the 2012/13 KFL season.

KFL Nurstead Court relay (142 pics)

Sunday, 3 November 2013

Lydd Half Marathon 2013

The early heavy rain pretty much eased off in time for the race but the ground was still very wet underfoot.  The field was large, enthusiastic and friendly.  This was one of the best races of 2013.

Lydd Half Marathon 2013 (281 pics)