Monday, 31 March 2014

Hastings Half Marathon 2014

Very large race.  Crowds everywhere.  IMHO, very poor course organisation.  Cones everywhere, traffic everywhere, hi-viz jackets everywhere - do the people who put these races on have no thoughts for snappers and the hideous backgrounds they'll get?  Clearly not ;)

Not sure I took a single shot without some kind of distraction in the background.  Sun was also constantly in and out, and then as the slower runners were coming in, a massive hail shower put the tin hat on everything.

Will have to find a better vantage point mid-course next time round.

Hastings Half Marathon 2014 (402 pics)

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Brett Lydd Half Marathon 2014

Glorious day to be out and about.  Felt more like summer than early spring and the weather couldn't have been more different to this time last year, when the Lydd Half Marathon was run under iron grey skies, with a bitter wind blowing after a major downpour.

Decent turnout again, over 440 finishers.  The only real down side was the number of cars, cyclists and pedestrians using the road back into Lydd, but I guess life ain't perfect ;)

Lydd Half Marathon 2014 (414 pics)

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Eastbourne Half Marathon 2014

A mixture of sunshine and dark cloud greeted the runners, along with a strong, persistent and very cold wind.  Turnout was high, and a large number of spectators lined the prom and Princes Park throughout the race.  Various charities were particularly well supported - always nice to see people out there doing their bit.
Eastbourne Half Marathon 2014 (560 pics)